PorMeH3 - Portland Maine Hash House Harriers 

Upcoming Hash Events

Drink with us!

We have a tradtional hash scheduled for most weekends. The exact day and time depends on the hare organizing trail that week. Click through the calander above for details on the events that have been scheduled.

On Thursdays our splinter cell hash "Knightvillain H3" r*ns a 3ish mile trail starting at ending at the same location.
Typical Knightvillain trails are faster and have no social checks on trail so we can hurry up and commence drinking at on-in.


We are the Portland, Maine "kennel" of the Hash House Harriers, an international drinking club with a running problem.

For more about what the Hash House Harriers are, check this out.


Our Facebook group is active and our events are all posted there as well.

The group is private so you'll have to request entry. Don't be a robot.

Facebook Group


Every hash is different. But typically the hare needs $5-10 to fund the debauchery. Give that $$$ directly to the hare on trail.

If you want to give the group some beer money. Donate here:
Donate with PayPal button